Oct 31, 2007

Cyclon Noel

It seems like Noel is never gonna leave Dominican Republic. Showers every day. Electricity on and out several times a day. It's good to be unemployed during autumn period. Sitting at home and enjoying the day.

Dominican people

Well, they are happy most of the time. No hurry, no worry. Singing whenever they feel like. Dancing whenever they hear the music. Talking a lot with everybody. Almost always loud. They love to eat. They love cakes, chocolate and cookies. A lot of them prefer music to silence. THEY ADORE THE WORD MAÑANA (means tomorrow). They live today and they work MAÑANA :)

Colors of Dominican Republic

Blue skies and water, green plants and palm trees. My favorite colors. The nature of the island is rich and beautiful.

Check out some pictures I've made http://www.flickr.com/photos/16421225@N06/

Oct 30, 2007

Rain again

Somebody forgot to turn off the rain?

My latest music discoveries

Feist and Maria Mena. I listened to their music and I liked it. Soft and amuzing. You can listen to Feist right here on the right side of the page. Later I will upload some of Maria Mena compositions. Enjoy!

Grue and Bleen

It's fascinating! Grue is green and blue. Bleen is Blue and Green. I love it!
Language and Colors is fun!